I have been a main carer - Step mother for 7 years now . I just name myself the main carer tho as you get no appreciation or respect just being the step mum . I have two stepsons . One son and two daughters. my stepsons mother basically Wanted the single life and told everyone that my husband wouldn’t let her have her own children lol ( sorry you just have to laugh ) I mean the people that believe her are probably just as toxic as her . if That was the case wouldn’t you fight for your children , she could of took him to court with all the lottery money she won ? she Sent my husband a text asking him to have the boys more 7 years ago and said it would be permanent.. but then told everyone lies including her own children. After all this time she is very bitter and heartless. Everyone who knows her tho has told me she is very fake and they also think she is a very damaged woman but i just find it very difficult as how Can others support her behaviour . I will never forgive for what she has done to her own children and I don’t know how her own family allowed it either because children are wired to be with their mothers .. it’s part of nature it didn’t matter how good the father is.
my eldest stepson is now a 11 years old and his mother got him a mobile on contract recently that he isn’t allowed to bring here or take to school on our days , so basically he is only allowed it 10 days a month. The poor lad now has to have two mobiles, she wants him to live two separate lives, it’s crazy . apparently it is because she wants him to have privacy even tho she looks at his mobile.. she Is just clearly thinking of herself ! As she is very strange like that ! But it never gets any easier just more messed up .
Oh dear, sounds awful. She’s obviously very bitter about it all and doesn’t have the respect for you that you deserve. You are bringing up her children! Are you able to find anything good in the situation to help you refocus? I’ve had to force myself to do that as my husban‘s ex wife has been so awful to me it has a huge impact on how I react to any situation to do with her, but refocusing my energy helps a little.